News & Blog

Fort Wayne Realtor Mike Hostetler Gets High Marks from Clients!

  • Featured image for North Eastern Group Realty welcomes Jeff Reeder!
    Oct 25

    North Eastern Group Realty welcomes Jeff Reeder!

    [caption id="attachment_108" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Jeff Reeder - Fort Wayne REALTOR[/caption] Jeff Reeder has been a licensed REALTOR in Fort Wayne since January 2007. Jeff is an entrepreneur who has spent the last several years growing a landscaping company. With that company now running successfully without requiringing his daily involvement, Jeff is looking forward to making...

  • Featured image for Facebook Meetup/Twitter Tweetup
    Oct 25

    Facebook Meetup/Twitter Tweetup

    North Eastern Group Realty in connection with Digital Hill Multimedia and Dr. Feelgoods invite you to their first social media networking event Tuesday, November 3rd at 5 pm. This free event is your opportunity to network with other individuals and organizations that have recognized the opportunities these social media tools offer to network with potential clients....